
SNOMED International's IPS Terminology represents an evolution of the HL7 IPS Free Set, providing advanced terminology features for non-affiliates to use in their International Patient Summary (IPS) solutions. It adds a hierarchy, defining relationships and extra synonyms from the SNOMED CT international edition, to form a sub-ontology of SNOMED CT that can be loaded into a terminology server. A sub-ontology is a functional set of active concepts and relationships extracted from the full SNOMED CT ontology, that provides similar features for users that do not have access to a complete SNOMED CT Edition. The IPS Terminology is made available by SNOMED International as a free resource to support IPS implementations in non-Member countries and territories. 

This user guide provides an overview of the IPS Terminology's scope and features, how to implement the IPS Terminology in a terminology server, some IPS Terminology use cases, and how to upgrade to a full SNOMED CT edition if additional terminology content is required.

Please note, users located in a Member country or territory, or with a valid affiliate license, should implement the IPS using a full edition of SNOMED CT, rather than the smaller IPS Terminology described in this guide.

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