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Implementation Support Portal

The Portal offers a breadth of support services to help you with your successful SNOMED CT implementation.

What's on this week

An open calendar of SNOMED International meetings, webinars and events.

A terminology for the International Patient Summary

A collaborative initiative to broaden and facilitate clinical data interoperability, anywhere, anytime.

SNOMED International fastlægger globale standarder for sundhedsvilkår, en væsentlig del af forbedringen af menneskehedens sundhed.

Vi er forpligtet til at fastholde og udbygge vores lederskab som de globale eksperter i sundhedsterminologi og sikre, at SNOMED CT, vores verdensledende produkt, accepteres som det globale fælles sprog for kliniske termer.

BLOG: Jamaica's First SNOMED CT edition released


BLOG: Jamaica's First SNOMED CT edition released

BLOG: Latin American Clinical Regional Network connects Latin American clinicians and others to SNOMED CT products, tools and supports


BLOG: Latin American Clinical Regional Network connects Latin American clinicians and others to SNOMED CT products, tools and supports

BLOG: SNOMED CT focuses on traditional medicine at Expo 2024 pre-conference workshop


BLOG: SNOMED CT focuses on traditional medicine at Expo 2024 pre-conference workshop

SNOMED i aktion - Casestudier

SNOMED in Action muliggør informationsdeling mellem implementere om deres SNOMED CT implementeringserfaringer globalt.

Udnyt læring og registrer din implementering som en del af SNOMED in Action.



Genomics is the new frontier in clinical care and scientific discovery. Genomic assessments of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes, that is...


Barts Health NHS Trust

To implement a single EHR system across the different hospital sites, to provide the primary source of information on the patient....



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