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Explore the Value of SNOMED CT

This interactive platform presents SNOMED CT stakeholder value propositions along with evidence that SNOMED CT adds measurable value to a broad range of primary and secondary health processes leveraging SNOMED CT encoded data to deliver improved patient outcomes. 

SNOMED CT is a best-in-class, core clinical reference terminology that is well-designed, comprehensive, serves multiple uses, is widely adopted, and enables improved patient outcomes

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Что такое SNOMED CT?

Understand SNOMED CT through the example of Viral Pneumonia


Основная клиническая справочная терминология

Взаимодействие с другими людьми

Системам стандартизированных терминов или концепций, например, SNOMED CT, дано несколько названий. Это может быть терминология, словарь или лексикон. Все эти имена синонимичны.

Семантические сетевые особенности SNOMED CT такие же, как и в онтологиях. SNOMED CT - это терминология, построенная на онтологической основе (т.е. она выглядит и действует как онтология).

В идеале контролируемые термины (словари) должны иметь двенадцать функций, как указано в основополагающей статье доктора Джеймса Чимино. SNOMED CT действительно соответствует всем двенадцати функциям, некоторые из которых позволяют отличать его от других систем классификации. Для сравнения, в МКБ-10 есть четыре из двенадцати имеющихся функций). По терминологии, SNOMED CT вполне соответствует своему назначению.

Исследование Assess CT пришло к выводу, что SNOMED CT - это основная справочная терминология.

What is SCT

5 things that make SNOMED CT unique

5 Things
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Основная справочная терминология

SNOMED CT is integrated to over 20 other clinical terminologies and classification systems.  It is the core reference terminology in the clinical terminology ecosystem.

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SNOMED CT - встроенные клинические информационные системы, платформы медицинских данных и аналитики и / или решения для взаимодействия


Проведение клинических исследований, лабораторных исследований и научных исследований.

Management Analytics

Conducting trend & comparative analysis and health system value analysis.


Проведение клинических исследований, лабораторных исследований и научных исследований.

Population Analytics

Conducting trend & comparative analysis, pharmacovigilence

and clinical



Проведение клинических исследований, лабораторных исследований и научных исследований.

Point of Care Analytics

Creating historical summaries, doing point-of-care reporting and

using clinical

decision support.


Проведение клинических исследований, лабораторных исследований и научных исследований.

Conducting clinical research, laboratory research and scientific research.

Data Entry and Integration

The recording & integration
of SNOMED CT in clinical information systems and health data &
analytics platforms.


The electronic exchange of clinical data and documents among Care Providers along the continuum of care,
often using

Проведение клинических исследований, лабораторных исследований и научных исследований.

Clinical Information Sharing

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Where is SCT used?

SNOMED CT Case Studies

A Demonstrated Case for Investment: Real World Use
Case Studies

Veterans Health Administration: the cost benefit analysis of the SNOMED CT-embedded VistA system, as well as the benefits derived from the Veterans Health Information Exchange (VHIE).

Kaiser Permanente: the benefits derived from a SNOMED CT-embedded HealthConnect clinical information system and patient portal, as well as analytics and research

North York General Hospital: the benefits obtained from a SNOMED CT-embedded eCare clinical decision support system.


Barts NHS Trust and the East London Health and Care Partnership: the benefits derived from a SNOMED CT-embedded Cerner clinical information system and a regional EHR and data & analytics platform.


University of Cambridge Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust: the benefits derived from a SNOMED CT-embedded eHospital clinical information system, patient portal and a health data & analytics platform.


Northern Queensland Primary Health Network and the Mackay Hospital and Health Service: an economic evaluation of the Mackay SNOMED CT-embedded HealthPathways implementation.


University of Nebraska Medical Centre:  the benefits obtained from the SNOMED CT-embedded i2B2 data warehouse and its use for clinical and translational research.

OHDSI: the SNOMED CT-embedded OMOP CDM, and the benefits obtained from research projects using the OHDSI research collaborative. 

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Honghu Public Health Surveillance (COVID-19): a description of the SNOMED-CT-embedded Honghu Hybrid System that supported policy makers and public health officials with COVID-19 surveillance and control.

AEHRC and CSIRO (Australia): a look into the current and future possibilities for SNOMED CT use in artificial intelligence.

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The Case for Investment identifies why a country invests resources to implement SNOMED CT.

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What value does a country or healthcare entity desire from a clinical terminology? 
What potential value does SNOMED CT provide to a specific country or a healthcare entity?
What are the future opportunities for SNOMED CT?
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Why would a country or hospital entity invest resources to implement SNOMED CT?

Desired Value + Potential Value + Demonstrated Value + Future Value

SNOMED International
1 Kingdom Street, Paddington
London, W2 6BD
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)203 755 0974


SNOMED International

The global language
of healthcare

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