Software and tools
SNOMED International offers a wide range of software and tools to use and work with SNOMED CT, as well as supporting a growing community of developers.
SNOMED CT tooling
SNOMED CT tools can help to support a range of implementation tasks,
from managing the creation and maintenance of reference sets, maps and translations, to providing terminology services to effectively access
SNOMED CT content from a software application.

Reference set tools
Mapping tools
(E.g. Snap2SNOMED) -
Translation tools
Authoring tools
Release tools
Terminology services
Record services
User interfaces
Natural language processing
Data analytics tools
Open source software development
The implementation of SNOMED CT into systems is key to the growing adoption of SNOMED CT. To help this, all the source code for the tools and services developed by SNOMED International are made available under the Apache v2 open source license.
Along with a licensed copy of a SNOMED CT edition, these can be used by your development teams to incorporate SNOMED CT into your systems. In our open source repositories, you can find useful code libraries, examples of using SNOMED CT, and the source to all of our tools, including the popular SNOMED CT Browser and examples SNOMED CT Terminology Servers.

SNOMED CT Concept Lookup

SNOMED CT Concept Lookup is a quick and efficient way to find the concept associated with a SNOMED CT code.
A quick and easy-to-understand utility for people who are not SNOMED CT experts, the Lookup shows the concept and where it’s from, and gives the translations where applicable or available.
Managed service
The Managed Service was created to provide an online service that would allow SNOMED International Members to manage and distribute a release of a SNOMED CT local extension from start to finish in simple, standard manner. The Managed Service was designed to provide a value for money, off the shelf service for SNOMED International Members, benefitting from the use of a shared platform.
The Managed Service provides a fully hosted service with:
access to SNOMED International technical and content staff for support;
use of the SNOMED CT Authoring Platform and the Reference Set & Translation tool;
validation, release and distribution of SNOMED CT local extensions up to twelve times a year.
If you are interested in getting more information on the SNOMED International Managed Service, please contact your local CSRM representative.