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SNOMED International welcomes Hungary to a growing and global community of practice.

September 5, 2024

SNOMED International is pleased to announce that Hungary has become a SNOMED International Member. Hungary will join a community of 49 Members globally. It is the fifth following the announcement of EU funding for Member states wishing to adopt SNOMED CT.

SNOMED CT is a comprehensive, multilingual healthcare terminology created for use by healthcare professionals to capture the care of individuals in an electronic health record and facilitate sharing, decision support and analytics, to support safe and effective health information exchange.

Hungary, a landlocked eastern European country of almost 10 million citizens, is perhaps best known for its rich cultural contributions, particularly in classical music. Its healthcare system is publicly funded and offers universal coverage to its citizens. While local county hospitals plan and manage inpatient care at the county level, under the supervision of National Directorate-General for Hospitals, the country administers its healthcare financing system through the National Institute of Health Insurance Fund Management - Nemzeti Egészségbiztosítási Alapkezelő (NEAK).

Since launching an electronic patient record in 2017, Hungary’s efforts to further digitize the healthcare system were spurred in part – as in many countries – by the COVID-19 pandemic. In April 2023, Dr Péter Takács, Hungary’s State Secretary for Health, made strengthening the country’s health resources, infrastructure and delivery, harnessing technology and innovation to better serve its population, and nurturing its health and care workforce its main priorities.

Other notable activities supporting Hungary’s digital health advancement include a recent study where Hungarian researchers mapped more than 6,000 in-patient and outpatient procedure codes to SNOMED CT, as part of the European Health Data Evidence Network (EHDEN) project. The EHDEN project’s goals are to reduce the time needed to provide answers in real world health research by developing the required infrastructure in a federated network at scale across Europe, collaboration on research methodologies, and education in an open science collaboration.

Hungary is also active in cross-border research and data-sharing initiatives, according to a country profile gathered as part of Towards European Health Data Space (TEHDAS). TEHDAS, whose purpose is to help Member States and the Commission to develop concepts and guidelines for the governing, usage and sharing of health data for secondary purposes, is cited as a concrete tool to develop the European Health Data Space and access to health data for secondary uses such as research, innovation and policy-making. 

Also noted in the profile is Hungary’s strategic investments in data-driven tools and artificial intelligence, as well as innovative pilot projects building the technical infrastructure for federated analysis. Country objectives also include development of a separate infrastructure for the secondary use of health data. 

SNOMED International CEO Don Sweete concurs with the benefits that SNOMED CT can contribute to Hungary’s digital health infrastructure, adding that Hungary’s membership strengthens our European Members’ efforts to collaborate and share implementation lessons learned. “SNOMED CT's global clinical terminology can support Hungary in achieving its digital health goals and its ambitions to develop a data-driven health system," he said.

To learn more about SNOMED International and SNOMED CT, visit

Media Inquiries

Kelly Kuru

SNOMED International


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