Since the date of issue, this information is now out of date and has been archived. It has been made available for reference.
A message from the Management Board Chair, 2019 General Assembly Chairs and CEO
2019 was a watershed year for our organization and our Members. We successfully closed out the 2015-2020 strategy and collectively charted a course for SNOMED International over the next five years. A Member-led initiative, the next strategic phase of the organization reflects the real needs of the global healthcare landscape as it relates to care delivery, policymaking, public health, research and public health priorities.
As a result of this, the 2019 Annual Report, A Global Effort to Drive Change, focuses on SNOMED International’s dedication to evolving, strengthening and developing our product and related services for the benefit of patients through our Members, clinicians, vendors and SNOMED CT users.
In line with our vision, SNOMED CT has contributed positively to reducing clinical patient risk and improving outcomes. In prevalent areas such as mental health, social determinants of health, and medication management, to name a few, enhancing and releasing SNOMED CT content has enabled an improvement in the documentation of clinical activities, the tracking of outcomes, and the identification of at-risk populations. These clinical activities are joined by the ability to improve patient safety by enabling access to improved information for clinicians at the point of care. The next evolution will benefit our Members and their governments and stakeholders by enabling advanced analytics capabilities and technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, and Machine Learning to leverage the quality content, structure and delivery strengths of SNOMED CT.
Throughout this evolution, the core tenet of being a Member focused organization has remained at the forefront as the community has continued to grow. In 2019, we welcomed Kazakhstan, Finland and Armenia to the global collective of 40 SNOMED International Members.
This past year’s accomplishments and our vision for the future have only been attainable due to the tremendous dedication, hard work and passionate nature of the SNOMED CT community. Together we look forward to implementing the 2020-2025 SNOMED International strategy and achieving the benefits it will yield for our Members, and ultimately the global population.
Lady Barbara Judge CBE
Chair, Management Board
Lies van Gennip
Chair, General Assembly (2019)
Alex Elias
Vice-Chair, Chair (October) General Assembly
Don Sweete
Chief Executive Officer