During 2017 Uruguay continued advancing in the implementation of the National Electronic Health Record (NEHR) project.
Contact Details
Centro de Servicios de Salud - NRC
Liniers 1324, Piso 3
11000 Montevideo, Uruguay
Website: https://centrodeconocimiento.agesic.gub.uy/web/salud.uy/terminología
Email: snomed@hcen.salud.uy
Appointed Representatives
General Assembly: Maria Pía González
Member Forum: Rossana Ochiuzzi and Betania Arispe
News articles
The first documents were loaded in the NEHR by institutions with the support of the Ministry of Health.
The semantic definitions for the documents of the Minimum Data Set are based on SNOMED CT. This documents use some concepts that exist in SNOMED CT International and others that belong to the Uruguayan National Extension. Another important project for Uruguay is the DNMA (Dictionary of Medicines and other prescribable products). The first version was released with of a big effort done toghether with the Ministry of Health, with the aim of working in the e-prescription project for the next years, and based on SNOMED CT terminology.
Besides of that, our NRC team continues to train Healthcare providers staff, joining with national universities and developing community work with the proposal to increase the use and knowledge of SNOMED CT in our country.
More information about SNOMED CT in Uruguay can be accessed here: https://centrodeconocimiento.agesic.gub.uy/web/salud.uy/terminología
Affiliated licenses can be obtained at https://mlds.ihtsdotools.org/#/landing/UY?lang=es
Global Patient Set
Built from the globally recognized SNOMED CT terminology standard at no cost to users
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