The Dutch representative to SNOMED International is the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport.
Contact Details
National IT Institute for Healthcare in the Netherlands (Nicitz)
Visiting address:
Oude Middenweg 55
2491 AC Den Haag
Postal address:
P.O. Box 19121
2500 CC Den Haag
The Netherlands
Telephone: +31 (0) 70 317 34 50
Website: http://www.nictiz.nl
Email: info@snomed.nl
Appointed Representatives
General Assembly: Herko Coomans
Member Forum: Sylvia Laar and Chantal Schiltmeijer
News articles
The Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport has assigned the responsibility to Nictiz – the National IT Institute for Healthcare in the Netherlands - to act as the point of contact for SNOMED CT developments and licenses, thus demonstrating the National Release Centre.
Nictiz is the centre of expertise for eHealth. It conducts research and interprets trends in eHealth to assist with the establishment of Netherlands national policies for various parties, such as the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, nation-wide umbrella organizations and the Informatieberaad Zorg (national healthcare consultation). Nictiz also develops and manages information standards. These standards are required to enable exchanging information in healthcare. In addition, Nictiz provides healthcare institutions and software specialists with advice on standards implementation and optimization of data exchange.
Nictiz coordinates the Netherlands’ participation in and contribution to SNOMED International activities. Nictiz furthermore coordinates a national program aimed at increasing and stimulating the awareness, knowledge, practices and use of SNOMED CT. For healthcare organizations and companies inside the Netherlands Nictiz acts as the National Release Centre for SNOMED CT (sub-) licenses.
As the SNOMED National Release Centre of the Netherlands, Nictiz is responsible for distributing and managing SNOMED CT in the Netherlands, and develops and maintains content specific to the Netherlands. Nictiz is also translating to the Netherlands relevant parts of SNOMED CT.
More information about SNOMED CT in the Netherlands can be accessed here: www.snomed.nl
Affiliated licenses can be obtained at https://mlds.ihtsdotools.org/#/landing/NL?lang=en
Global Patient Set
Built from the globally recognized SNOMED CT terminology standard at no cost to users
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