Jordan’s representative to SNOMED International is Electronic Health Solutions (EHS).
Contact Details
Electronic Health Solutions
King Abdullah II Bin Al Hussein Street
Mecca Street cross circle
King Hussein Business Park, bldg. no. 11
P.O.Box 4408 Amman 11953
Telelphone: +96265800461
Fax: +96265800464
Email: info@ehs.com.jo
Appointed Representatives
General Assembly: Omar I Ayesh
Member Forum: Afnan Jebril
News articles
EHS is a not for Profit Company that was founded in early 2009 to advance the public healthcare sector and transform the practice of health and medical care in Jordan through the provision of automation solutions that enhance the quality and efficiency of health care offerings.
Through its flagship program “Hakeem” which launched in 2009 upon a profound vision of his Majesty King Abdullah II Bin Al Hussein, EHS is responsible for the implementation of an Electronic Health Record solution nationwide based on an open source technology, to include but not limited to, all healthcare facilities under the Ministry of Health and Royal Medical Services.
EHS was the main driver for planning Jordan’s e-Health strategy 2018-2022, one of its elements was to unify the protocols, medical procedures and terminologies within all healthcare bodies in the kingdom to enable us to use the extracted data in supporting strategic decision making, and furthermore contribute to big data worldwide.
More information about SNOMED CT in Jordan can be accessed here: www.ehs.com.jo .
Global Patient Set
Built from the globally recognized SNOMED CT terminology standard at no cost to users
Software and tools
We develop and operate applications platforms to support our products and services