The Danish Health Data Authority represents Denmark to SNOMED International. The Danish Health Data Authority is an agency under the Ministry of Health.
Contact Details
The Danish Health Data Authority
Ørestads Boulevard 5
DK-2300 København S
Telephone: +45 7221 6800
Website: http://sundhedsdatastyrelsen.dk/snomedct
Licensing: https://mlds.ihtsdotools.org/#/landing/DK
Email: snomedct@sundhedsdata.dk
Appointed Representatives
General Assembly: Dennis Kruse
Member Forum: Camilla Wiberg Danielsen and Louise Bie
News articles
As a national public authority, we collaborate with all relevant parties in Denmark’s health care sector and manage the processes that lead to the establishment of uniform rules and frameworks for eHealth in Denmark. This ensures that all parts of the healthcare system can share data securely and efficiently, with the aim of providing patients the best possible treatment.
The Danish Health Data Authority is responsible for the existence of relevant common frameworks and standards within eHealth. We generate reference architectures and lay down standards for communication between sectors. Furthermore, we lay the foundation for nationwide infrastructure and operate and develop national health-related IT systems. In addition, we implement specific intersectoral initiatives and collaborate internationally.
The National Release Centre in Denmark is responsible for supporting users as well as distributing and managing SNOMED CT® in Denmark.
More information about SNOMED CT in Denmark can be accessed here: http://sundhedsdatastyrelsen.dk/snomedct
Affiliated licenses can be obtained at https://mlds.ihtsdotools.org/#/landing/DK
Global Patient Set
Built from the globally recognized SNOMED CT terminology standard at no cost to users
Software and tools
We develop and operate applications platforms to support our products and services