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Cyprus joins SNOMED International to bring structure and consistency in the sharing of health information for patient care, clinical decision support and research purposes.

Contact Details

Cyprus Ministry of Health, Health Monitoring Unit
1 Prodromou & Chilonos Street 17 
1448 Nicosia, 

Website: Ministry Health Monitoring Unit

Appointed Representatives

General Assembly: Maria Athanasiadou

Member Forum: Maria Athanasiadou

News articles

With a developing e-health program across the country’s hospital and health center landscape, Cyprus joins SNOMED International to bring structure and consistency in the sharing of health information for patient care, clinical decision support and research purposes. Within the European region, the promise of cross-border care mobility is believed to be the single most important revolution in healthcare. Preserving the sanctity of patient information through structured data becomes critical to this vision.

In recent years, Cyprus is dynamically entering the eHealth era. Codification is an essential part of this journey as health information should be captured, monitored, analyzed and disseminated among health professionals, health policy makers, and the public. Taking part in the European ‘eHealth Network’ project to establish cross border health care, of which the dominant terminology used is SNOMED CT, further supports the need for codification. Through this project, Cyprus has seen this as an opportunity to expand our codification horizons. For this reason, we joined SNOMED CT as a member country, in order to be able to promote health information coding, in a unifying way, among different local health software. The aim of which is to better guide our understanding and comparability of existing health information data.

More information about SNOMED CT in Cyprus can be accessed at the Ministry Health Monitoring Unit.

Global Patient Set

Global Patient Set

Built from the globally recognized SNOMED CT terminology standard at no cost to users



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