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Globalt patientsæt

GPS'en understøtter interoperabilitet med sundhedsoplysninger på tværs af plejeindstillinger, systemer, organisationer og nationale grænser.

What is the IPS?

Hvad er GPS'en?


GPS'en er en administreret liste over eksisterende SNOMED CT unikke identifikatorer, fuldt specificerede navne (FSN), foretrukne termer på internationalt engelsk og statusflag, der stilles til rådighed uden omkostninger for brugerne.


GPS'en understøtter deling af patientsundhedsoplysninger kodet med SNOMED CT uden behov for en SNOMED International licens.

Bemærk: Det globale patientsæt udelukker SNOMED CT's iboende relationer og hierarkier; grundlæggende for arten af en ontologi og dens evne til at muliggøre klinisk dataanalyse, beslutningsstøtte, kunstig intelligens osv.


Om GPS'en


GPS'en er en mekanisme til at fremme skabelse af interoperabilitet i mindre digitalt modne lande samt et værktøj til at støtte borgernes rejser og deres informationer på tværs af grænser til lande, der i øjeblikket ikke har licens til at bruge SNOMED CT.

For nogle giver GPS'en et udgangspunkt for SNOMED CT brug. For alle, 
GPS'en kan understøtte borgernes bevægelser med sikkerhed for, at et fundament af struktureret patientinformation er tilgængeligt, når det er mest nødvendigt.

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  • Registration and program
    Registration for SNOMED CT Expo 2024 is now open - please click here to register. The full program for the event can be downloaded here. A high-level overview of the event's schedule is available below:
  • Venue and accommodation
    SNOMED CT Expo 2024 will be held at the following hotel: Conrad Seoul (a Hilton Hotel) 10 Gukjegeumyung-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea Please click here to reserve your room now at SNOMED's negotiated delegate rate. Details: Room rates: Single occupancy: KRW 285,000+10% (KRW 313,500) Double occupancy: KRW 330,000+10% (KRW 363,000) Rooms are available to reserve at these rates between October 15 to October 28, 2024 Bedroom rates are inclusive of Buffet Breakfast and Standard Internet Deadline for Delegate Individual Reservations: Wednesday, September 25, 2024 (23 days prior to arrival) Cancellation Policy: Individual reservations through the Hilton link will be guaranteed to the credit card at the time of reservation and the rest of the amount will be paid upon check-out. For any late cancellation, and no-show after cutoff date of Wednesday, September 25, 2024, cancellation penalty is as below: Cancellation before 72 hours prior to arrival: There is no cancellation charge. Cancellation within 72 hours prior to arrival: 100% of total staying will be charged to the individual guests with the guaranteed card and cannot be refunded.
  • Sponsorship and exhibition prospectus
    The SNOMED CT Expo 2024 Prospectus is now available. Please click here to learn more about sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities at this year's event.
  • Call for abstracts
    The 2024 Call for Abstracts has now closed. Key dates: Submission deadline was extended to: May 9, 2024 Submitters notified: June 6, 2024 Conference: October 24-25, 2024
  • Host Country
    As the Korean representative Member to SNOMED International, the Korean Health Information Service (KHIS) agency of the Ministry of Health and Welfare will serve as strategic partners for this meeting.
  • Data privacy and event terms & conditions
    SNOMED International will protect and manage your data for this event in accordance with our event data privacy agreement. Detailed 'Terms & Conditions' governing SNOMED International events are available here. For more information please contact
  • Subscribe for Expo updates
    Keep up to date with details as they develop for SNOMED International's events. Subscribe to the SNOMED events mailing list
  • Future Expo dates
    2025: Antwerp, Belgium October 23-24, 2025 (Hybrid event)
  • Watch Expo recordings
    View the SNOMED CT Expo 2020 to 2023 playlists on SNOMED International's YouTube channel. Access playlists
GPS resources

GPS ressourcer

Download the IPS Teminology

Download GPS


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Licenseret brug

Dette værk er licenseret under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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Vi vil gerne holde dig orienteret om opdateringer eller ændringer af det internationale patientsæt. Hvis du gerne vil modtage disse oplysninger via e-mail, bedes du angive dine præferencer nedenfor. Du kan ændre denne præference i fremtiden ved at bruge mulighederne for at afmelde, administrere meddelelser eller fravælge i sidefoden af vores e-mails. Vi vil kun bruge din e-mailadresse til at sende dig de oplysninger, du har anmodet om. Vi videregiver aldrig dine oplysninger til andre virksomheder til markedsføring eller andre formål uden din udtrykkelige tilladelse.


Information about our license and fee structure



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